home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /**************************************************************************\
- $VER: CNet Pager Config, v5.20 (15-Mar-98) by Dotoran!
- \**************************************************************************/
- options results;signal on SYNTAX;signal on ERROR;signal on IOERR
- a=sourceline(2);parse var a . ", "ver" ("vdate")" .
- tr=transmit;se=sendstring;gc=getchar;gu=getuser;mg=maygetchar
- a="rexxsupport.library";if ~show("l",a) then if ~addlib(a,0,-30) then exit
- a="rexxreqtools.library";if ~show("l",a) then if ~addlib(a,0,-30) then exit
- parse source . . fp .;df=left(fp,max(lastpos('/',fp),lastpos(':',fp)))
- /* was 1200038 */
- gu 47;loc=(result=-1) /* In Local Mode? (3.05c & 4.45) */
- call SETUP ; call READCONFIG ; call SCREEN1 ; save=0 ; it=it.1
- pt=it.screen.it ; se "z2c9"pt"z2c07H"
- gc ; a=c2d(result) ; call CHECK
- if screen=1 & index("123SQGTP",d2c(a))~=0 then do ; tr it.screen.it
- if d2c(a)="R" then do
- se "z0" ; call SCREEN1 ; signal START ; end
- if d2c(a)="S" then do
- it=9 ; signal EDIT1_9 ; end
- if d2c(a)="Q" then do
- it=10 ; signal EDIT1_10 ; end
- if index("GP",d2c(a))>0 then do
- it=17 ; signal EDIT1_17 ; end
- if d2c(a)="T" then do ; it=20 ; signal EDIT1_20 ; end
- if d2c(a)="1" then do ; it=16 ; signal EDIT1_16 ; end
- if d2c(a)="2" then do ; it=6 ; signal EDIT1_6 ; end
- if d2c(a)="3" then do ; it=8 ; signal EDIT1_8 ; end
- end
- if screen=2 & index("0123456789FN+=.>BL-,<GPRKS",d2c(a))~=0 then do
- tr it.screen.it
- if index("FN+=.>",d2c(a))>0 then do ; it=7 ; signal EDIT2_7 ; end
- if index("BL-,<",d2c(a))>0 then do ; it=17 ; signal EDIT2_17 ; end
- if index("GP",d2c(a))>0 then do ; it=8 ; signal EDIT2_8 ; end
- if d2c(a)="R" then do ; it=18 ; signal EDIT2_18 ; end
- if d2c(a)="K" then do ; it=23 ; signal EDIT2_23 ; end
- if d2c(a)="S" then do ; it=25 ; signal EDIT2_25 ; end
- if d2c(a)/2~=d2c(a)%2 & d2c(a)=sy1 then do
- it=24 ; signal EDIT2_24 ; end
- if d2c(a)/2=d2c(a)%2 & d2c(a)=sy2 then do
- it=26 ; signal EDIT2_26 ; end
- end
- do 2 ; mg ; b=result ; end
- if a=27 & b="NOCHAR" then signal QUIT
- if a=13 then signal START2
- if b="A" then do
- tr it.screen.it ; a=pos(right(it,2,"0")"-",zU.screen)+3
- it=strip(substr(zU.screen,a,2),"l","0") ; end
- if b="B" then do
- tr it.screen.it ; a=pos(right(it,2,"0")"-",zD.screen)+3
- it=strip(substr(zD.screen,a,2),"l","0") ; end
- if find(zNO.screen,it)>0 then signal START
- if b="C" then do
- tr it.screen.it ; a=pos(right(it,2,"0")"-",zR.screen)+3
- it=strip(substr(zR.screen,a,2),"l","0") ; end
- if b="D" then do
- tr it.screen.it ; a=pos(right(it,2,"0")"-",zL.screen)+3
- it=strip(substr(zL.screen,a,2),"l","0") ; end
- signal START
- START2: ; a="EDIT"screen"_"it ; signal (a)
- EDIT1_1:;call ADD(logN);se "9Hz2cei4 9}z0";gu 70;a=result
- if a~="" then do;save=1;if exists("sysdata:log/"logN) then
- address command "rename sysdata:log/"logN" sysdata:log/"a;logN=a;end
- else tr "9Hz2ce"left(logN,9)"z0";signal START
- EDIT1_2:;reqtitle="Select Default FSend Path";call GF
- reqtags="rt_reqpos=reqpos_centerscr rtfi_flags=freqf_nofiles rt_screen="adr
- a=rtfilerequest(fpath," ",reqtitle,,reqtags);if a="" then a=fpath
- else do;save=1;fpath=strip(a);end;tr "19Hz2ce"left(a,25)"z0"
- signal START
- EDIT1_3:;cost=cost+1;save=1;if cost>7 then cost=0
- tr "19Hz2ce"co.cost"z0";signal START
- EDIT1_4:;kill=kill+1;save=1;if kill>7 then kill=0
- tr "19Hz2ce"ki.kill"z0";signal START
- EDIT1_5:;call ADD(chvo);se "19Hz2cei4 55}z0";gu 70;a=result
- if a="" then a="<USE NO SPEECH>"
- if upper(a)="SAY" then a="Say -f -s180 -p170 <TXT>"
- if upper(a)="SPEAK" then a='echo "<TXT>" >speak:'
- save=1;chvo=a;tr "19Hz2ce"left(chvo,55)"z0";signal START
- EDIT1_6:;if loc~=1 then do;call COM(6,com6);se "w3";call COM(19,com1);signal START;end
- if left(chvo,2)="<U" then do;call COM(5,com7);se "w2";call COM(19,com1);signal START;end
- call COM(4,com4);a=index(upper(chvo),"<TXT>")
- b=delstr(chvo,a,5);b=insert("now testing seenet uh meega pagers speech!",b,a)
- address command b;call COM(19,com1);signal START
- EDIT1_7:;call ADD(chsp);se "19Hz2cei4 55}z0";gu 70;a=result
- if a="" then a="<UsE NO SOUND>";save=1;chsp=a
- tr "19Hz2ce"left(chsp,55)"z0";signal START
- EDIT1_8:;if loc~=1 then do;call COM(6,com6);se "w3";call COM(19,com1);signal START;end
- if left(chsp,2)="<U" then do;call COM(5,com8);se "w2";call COM(19,com1);signal START;end
- call COM(4,com5)
- address command chsp" sysdata:chat.snd";call COM(19,com1);signal START
- EDIT1_9:;call SAVECONFIG;signal START
- EDIT1_10:;signal QUIT
- EDIT1_11:;if gra=1 then gra=0;else gra=1;tr "4Hz2ce"left(word("No Yes",gra+1),3)
- save=1;signal START
- EDIT1_12:;cb=cb+1;save=1;if cb>3 then cb=0;tr "4Hz2ce"cb.cb"z0"
- signal START
- EDIT1_13:;call ADD(ac);se "4Hz2cei4 20}z0";gu 70;a=result
- if a~="" then do;ac=a;save=1;end
- else tr "4Hz2ce"left(ac,20)"z0";signal START
- EDIT1_14:;logK=logK+1;save=1;if logK>3 then logK=0
- tr "4Hz2ce"qk.logK"z0";signal START
- EDIT1_15:;title="Select Pager's Font";call GF
- tags="rt_reqpos=reqpos_centerscr rtfo_height=190 rtfo_fontname="font
- tags=tags".font rtfo_fontheight="size" rt_screen="adr
- a=rtfontrequest(title,,tags);if RTresult=0 then signal START
- f=left(RTresult.name,length(RTresult.name)-5) ; s=RTresult.height
- if f=font & s=size then signal START ; font=f ; size=s ; save=1
- tr "54Hz2ce"left(font" ("size")",25)"z0";signal EDIT1_16
- EDIT1_16:;if loc~=1 then do;call COM(6,com6);se "w3";call COM(19,com1);signal START;end;call COM(4,com3)
- reqtitle="Testing the Font";reqtext="Here's some text in the `"font"' font at `"size"' points!";call GF
- reqtags="rt_reqpos=reqpos_centerscr rt_font="font".font/"size" rt_screen="adr
- a=rtezrequest(reqtext,,reqtitle,reqtags);call COM(19,com1);signal START
- EDIT1_17:;it.1=it;screen=2;se "z0";call SCREEN2;it=it.screen;signal START
- EDIT1_18:;if cc=1 then cc=0;else cc=1;tr "3Hz2ce"left(word("No Yes",cc+1),3)"z0"
- save=1;signal START
- EDIT1_19:;hr=hr+1;save=1;if hr>1 then hr=0
- tr "3Hz2ce"left(word("No Yes",hr+1),3)"z0";signal START
- EDIT1_20:;if loc~=1 then do;call COM(6,com6);se "w3";call COM(19,com1);signal START;end
- call COM(4,com2);if left(chsp,2)~="<U" then address command chsp" SYSDATA:CHAT.SND"
- if left(chvo,2)~="<U" then do ; a=index(upper(chvo),"<TXT>")
- b=delstr(chvo,a,5);b=insert("now testing the seenet uh meega pager!",b,a)
- address command b ; end
- gu 23;port=result;gu 1;h=result;gu 3;r=result;user=h" ("r")";gu 12;date=result
- if substr(date,21,1)=" " then date=delstr(date,21,2)
- if substr(date,16,1)=" " then date=delstr(date,16,1)
- gu 8;syscom=result;reason="Now testing the CNet Amiga Pager!"
- reqtitle=center("CNet Amiga Pager, "ver" Written by Dotoran!",78);cr="0a"x
- reqtext=" Page: "date" for "sys.1||cr||cr" User: "user" Port "port
- if syscom>"" then reqtext=reqtext||" ["syscom"]" ; reqtext=reqtext||cr||cr"Reason: `"reason"'"
- reqgads="_Chat|_OLM|_FSend|_Terminate|_Gone In 5|_Unavailable|_Busy|Ignore" ; call GF
- reqtags="rt_reqpos=reqpos_centerscr rtez_defaultresponse=0 rt_font="font".font/"size" rt_screen="adr
- a=rtezrequest(reqtext,reqgads,reqtitle,reqtags);call COM(19,com1);signal START
- EDIT2_1:
- call ADD(sys.sy1);se "13Hz2cei4 20}";gu 70;a=result
- if datatype(a,"n")=1 then a=a"!";findaccount a;z=result;if z=0 then z=id.sy1
- loadscratch z;savescratch (-z);getscratch 1;sys.sy1=result
- getscratch 1101133;ge=result
- id.sy1=z;ge.sy1=ge;se "13H"left(sys.sy1,20)
- save=1;signal START
- EDIT2_2:
- call ADD(mid.sy1);se "13Hz2cei4 20}";gu 70;a=result
- if a="" then do;a=1;se "13Hcf"a;end
- if a~=mid.sy1 then save=1;mid.sy1=a;signal START
- EDIT2_3:
- if left(chvo,2)="<U" then signal START
- call ADD(say.sy1);se "13Hz2cei4 50}";gu 70;a=result
- if a="" then do;a="<DO NOT USE>";se "13Hcf"a;end
- if a~=say.sy1 then save=1;say.sy1=a;signal START
- EDIT2_4:
- call ADD(sys.sy2);se "13Hz2cei4 20}";gu 70;a=result
- if datatype(a,"n")=1 then a=a"!";findaccount a;z=result;if z=0 then z=id.sy2
- loadscratch z;savescratch (-z)
- getscratch 1;sys.sy2=result;getscratch 1101133;ge=result
- id.sy2=z;ge.sy2=ge;se "13H"left(sys.sy2,20)
- save=1;signal START
- EDIT2_5:
- call ADD(mid.sy2);se "13Hz2cei4 20}";gu 70;a=result
- if a="" then do;a=1;se "13Hcf"a;end
- if a~=mid.sy2 then save=1;mid.sy2=a;signal START
- EDIT2_6:
- if left(chvo,2)="<U" then signal START
- call ADD(say.sy2);se "13Hz2cei4 50}";gu 70;a=result
- if a="" then do;a="<DO NOT USE>";se "13H"a;end
- if a~=say.sy2 then save=1;say.sy2=a;signal START
- EDIT2_7:
- a=sy2+1;if sys.sy2="" & sys.a="" then signal START
- sy1=sy1+2;sy2=sy2+2;call SCREEN2B;signal START
- EDIT2_8:;it.2=it;screen=1;se "z0";call SCREEN1;it=it.screen;signal START
- EDIT2_9:
- call ADD(grp1);se "2Hz2cei4 10}";gu 70;a=result
- if a~=grp1 then save=1;grp1=a;signal START
- EDIT2_10:
- call ADD(grp2);se "2Hz2cei4 10}";gu 70;a=result
- if a~=grp2 then save=1;grp2=a;signal START
- EDIT2_11:
- call ADD(grp3);se "2Hz2cei4 10}";gu 70;a=result
- if a~=grp3 then save=1;grp3=a;signal START
- EDIT2_12:
- call ADD(grp4);se "2Hz2cei4 10}";gu 70;a=result
- if a~=grp3 then save=1;grp3=a;signal START
- EDIT2_13:
- if left(chsp,2)="<U" then signal START
- call ADD(snd.sy1);se "52Hz2cei4 20}";gu 70;a=result
- if a="" then do;a="<DO NOT USE>";se "52Hcf"a;end
- if a~=snd.sy1 then save=1;snd.sy1=a;signal START
- EDIT2_14:
- call ADD(pos.sy1);se "52Hz2cei4 10}";gu 70;a=result
- if a="" then do;a="0-";se "52Hcf"a;end
- if a~=pos.sy1 then save=1;pos.sy1=a;signal START
- EDIT2_15:
- if left(chsp,2)="<U" then signal START
- call ADD(snd.sy2);se "52Hz2cei4 20}";gu 70;a=result
- if a="" then do;a="<DO NOT USE>";se "52Hcf"a;end
- if a~=snd.sy2 then save=1;snd.sy2=a;signal START
- EDIT2_16:
- call ADD(pos.sy2);se "52Hz2cei4 10}";gu 70;a=result
- if a="" then do;a="0-";se "52Hcf"a;end
- if a~=pos.sy2 then save=1;pos.sy2=a;signal START
- EDIT2_17:
- if sy1=1 then signal START
- sy1=sy1-2;sy2=sy2-2;call SCREEN2B;signal START
- EDIT2_18:
- se "z0";call SCREEN2;signal START
- EDIT2_19:
- call ADD(sys1);se "4Hz2cei4 10}";gu 70;a=result
- if a~=sys1 then save=1;sys1=a;signal START
- EDIT2_20:
- call ADD(sys2);se "4Hz2cei4 10}";gu 70;a=result
- if a~=sys2 then save=1;sys2=a;signal START
- EDIT2_21:
- call ADD(sys3);se "4Hz2cei4 10}";gu 70;a=result
- if a~=sys3 then save=1;sys3=a;signal START
- EDIT2_22:
- call ADD(sys4);se "4Hz2cei4 10}";gu 70;a=result
- if a~=sys4 then save=1;sys4=a;signal START
- EDIT2_23:
- sys.sy1="<to be deleted>";save=1;se "13Hcb"left(sys.sy1,20)
- signal START
- EDIT2_25:
- sys.sy2="<to be deleted>";save=1;se "13Hcb"left(sys.sy2,20)
- signal START
- EDIT2_24:;EDIT2_26:;if it=24 then sy=sy1;else sy=sy2
- if loc~=1 then do;call COM(6,com6);se "w3";call COM(19,com1);signal START;end
- if sys.sy="" then do;call COM(5,com9);se "w2";call COM(19,com1);signal START;end;call COM(4,com2)
- if index("<D<U",left(snd.sy,2))=0 then address command chsp" "snd.sy
- if index("<D<U",left(say.sy,2))=0 then do ; a=index(upper(chvo),"<TXT>")
- b=delstr(chvo,a,5);b=insert(say.sy,b,a) ;address command b ; end;gu 8;syscom=result
- gu 23;port=result;gu 1;h=result;gu 3;r=result;user=h" ("r")";gu 12;date=result
- if substr(date,21,1)=" " then date=delstr(date,21,2)
- if substr(date,16,1)=" " then date=delstr(date,16,1)
- reason="Testing the Pager!"
- reqtitle=center("CNet Amiga Pager, "ver" Written by Dotoran!",78);cr="0a"x
- reqtext=" Page: "date" for "sys.sy||cr||cr" User: "user" Port "port
- if syscom>"" then reqtext=reqtext" ["syscom"]" ; reqtext=reqtext||cr||cr"Reason: `"reason"'"
- reqgads="_Chat|_OLM|_FSend|_Terminate|_Gone In 5|_Unavailable|_Busy|Ignore" ; call GF
- reqtags="rt_reqpos=reqpos_centerscr rtez_defaultresponse=0 rt_font="font".font/"size" rt_screen="adr
- a=rtezrequest(reqtext,reqgads,reqtitle,reqtags);call COM(19,com1);signal START
- QUIT:;se "1Hz0";if save=0 then exit
- else do;se "1HCcbChanges cawere made. cfSave cathem first? c7[c9Yesc7]ca: c9"
- gc;a=result;if a="N" then do;tr "ceNoca.";exit;end;tr "Yesca!"
- call SAVECONFIG;exit
- GF:;lo=showlist("l","intuition.library",,"a");call forbid()
- adr=c2d(next(lo,60),4);call permit();return
- call open(f1,df"PagerConfigF","r")
- a=readln(f1);parse var a gra"|"cc"|"cb"|"ac"|"hr"|"j
- a=readln(f1);parse var a fpath"|"cost"|"kill"|"j
- a=readln(f1);parse var a chsp"|"chvo"|"j
- a=readln(f1);parse var a font"|"size"|"logN"|"logK"|"j
- a=readln(f1);parse var a mtot"|"grp1"|"sys1"|"grp2"|"sys2"|",
- grp3"|"sys3"|"grp4"|"sys4"|"j
- do i=1 to mtot;a=readln(f1)
- parse var a id.i"|"sys.i"|"ge.i"|"mid.i"|"pos.i"|"snd.i"|"say.i"|"j
- end i
- call close(f1);return
- do a=1 until sys.a="" ; end ; mtot=a-1 ; mt=mtot
- do i=1 to mtot;if sys.i="<to be deleted>" then mt=mt-1;end i
- if mtot~=mt then do;grp1="";grp2="";grp3="";grp4=""
- sys1="";sys2="";sys3="";sys4="";end
- call open(f1,df"PagerConfigF","w")
- call writeln(f1,gra"|"cc"|"cb"|"ac"|"hr"|vars: gra-cc-cb-ac-hr")
- call writeln(f1,fpath"|"cost"|"kill"|vars: fpath-cost-kill")
- call writeln(f1,chsp"|"chvo"|vars: chsp-chvo")
- call writeln(f1,font"|"size"|"logN"|"logK"|vars: font-size-logN-logK")
- a=mt"|"grp1"|"sys1"|"grp2"|"sys2"|"grp3"|"sys3"|"grp4"|"sys4
- a=a"|vars: mtot-grp1-sys1-grp2-sys2-grp3-sys3-grp4-sys4"
- call writeln(f1,a)
- do i=1 to mtot
- a=id.i"|"sys.i"|"ge.i"|"mid.i"|"pos.i"|"snd.i"|"say.i"|vars: "
- a=a"id.-sys.-ge.-mid.-pos.-snd.-say."
- if sys.i~="<to be deleted>" then call writeln(f1,a)
- end i
- call close(f1);return
- SETUP: ; screen=1
- it.1.1 ="0HLogName"
- it.1.2 ="3HFile Send Path"
- it.1.3 ="2HCost Percentage"
- it.1.4 ="3HFile Kill Type"
- it.1.5 ="3HSpeech Options"
- it.1.6 ="13HTESTu12u0"
- it.1.7 ="5HSound Player"
- it.1.8 ="13HTESTu13u0"
- it.1.9 ="13Hu1Su0AVE"
- it.1.10="24Hu1Qu0UIT"
- it.1.11="4HGraphics"
- it.1.12="7HAllow ChatBacks"
- it.1.13="5HChatBack Access's"
- it.1.14="4HAsk After Log View"
- it.1.15="48HFont"
- it.1.16="48HTESTu11u0"
- it.1.17="35Hu1Gu0oto `SysOps' Screen"
- it.1.18="1HPass to CC"
- it.1.19="2HUse 12 Hr"
- it.1.20="62Hu1Tu0EST PAGER"
- max.1=20 ; it.1=1 ; zNO.1=" 3 5 6 7 8 13 "
- zU.1="20-19-18-17-16-15-14-13-12-11-10-09-08-07-06-05-04-03-02-01-20"
- zD.1="01-02-03-04-05-06-07-08-09-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-01"
- zR.1="11-18-11-12-19-12-01-14-01-02-15-02-04-16-04-09-10-17-20-09"
- zL.1="20-17-10-09-20-16-04-16-15-02-15-14-01-14-19-12-19-18-11-18"
- it.2.1 ="2HSysOp #"
- it.2.2 ="2HMail ID's"
- it.2.3 ="5HSpeech"
- it.2.4 ="2HSysOp #"
- it.2.5 ="2HMail ID's"
- it.2.6 ="5HSpeech"
- it.2.7 ="17Hu1Fu0orwards Two SysOps"
- it.2.8 ="19Hu1Pu0revious Screen"
- it.2.9 ="3HGroup 1"
- it.2.10="3HGroup 2"
- it.2.11="3HGroup 3"
- it.2.12="3HGroup 4"
- it.2.13="37HSound to Play"
- it.2.14="36HPort(s) Online"
- it.2.15="37HSound to Play"
- it.2.16="36HPort(s) Online"
- it.2.17="43Hu1Bu0ackwards Two SysOps"
- it.2.18="46Hu1Ru0eDraw Screen"
- it.2.19="4HSysOp(s)"
- it.2.20="4HSysOp(s)"
- it.2.21="4HSysOp(s)"
- it.2.22="4HSysOp(s)"
- it.2.23="64Hu1Ku0ILL SYSOP"
- it.2.24="64HTEST SYSOP"
- it.2.25="64HKILL u1Su0YSOP"
- it.2.26="64HTEST SYSOP"
- max.2=24 ; it.2=9 ; zNO.2=""
- zU.2="26-25-24-23-22-21-20-19-18-17-16-15-14-13-12-11-10-09-08-07-06-05-04-03-02-01-26"
- zD.2="01-02-03-04-05-06-07-08-09-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26-01"
- zR.2="09-19-09-10-20-10-11-21-11-12-22-12-01-13-01-02-14-23-02-03-24-03-04-15-04-05-16-25-05-06-26-06-07-17-07-08-18-08"
- zL.2="18-08-18-17-07-17-26-06-26-25-16-05-25-15-04-15-24-03-24-23-14-02-23-13-01-13-22-12-22-21-11-21-20-10-20-19-09-19"
- qk.0="Query w/ Yes "
- qk.1="Query w/ No "
- qk.2="Answer w/ Yes"
- qk.3="Answer w/ No "
- co.0="Free Download "
- co.1="Deduct 1 x Bytes "
- co.2="Deduct 2 x Bytes "
- co.3="Deduct 3 x Bytes "
- co.4="Free Download ALWAYS "
- co.5="Deduct 1 x Bytes ALWAYS"
- co.6="Deduct 2 x Bytes ALWAYS"
- co.7="Deduct 3 x Bytes ALWAYS"
- ki.0="Don't Kill Download "
- ki.1="Kill After Download "
- ki.2="After DL or UnSelect "
- ki.3="Kill When UnSelected "
- ki.4="Don't Kill Download EVER "
- ki.5="Kill After Download ALWAYS "
- ki.6="After DL or UnSelect ALWAYS"
- ki.7="Kill When UnSelected ALWAYS"
- cb.0="No "
- cb.1="Yes, 1"
- cb.2="Yes, 2"
- cb.3="Yes, 3"
- com1="caUse ceArrow Keys cato ceMoveca, c7<cbENTERc7> cato cbEditca, c7<c9ESCc7> cato c9Quitca/c9Saveca!"
- com2="cbTesting ceCNet cfPagerca..."
- com3="cbTesting ceRequestor cfFontca..."
- com4="cbTesting cfPager ceSpeechca..."
- com5="cbTesting cfPager ceSoundca..."
- com6="cbTesting camay c9ONLY cabe done in cfLOCAL camode..."
- com7="caThere is no ceSPEECH cato cbTestca!"
- com8="caThere is no cfSOUND cato cbTestca!"
- com9="caThere is no ccSYSOP cato cbTestca!"
- id.=1 ; ge.=1 ; mid.=1 ; sy1=1 ; sy2=2 ; sys.=""
- snd.="<DO NOT USE>" ; pos.="0-" ; mid.="1" ; say.="<DO NOT USE>"
- return
- ADD: ; parse arg text ; se "L1305640 #"text"}" ; return
- COM: ; parse arg mci,text
- se "1H@4z0c7"center(text,78+(mci*3))"" ; return
- tr "@4 ÚÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÜÜÜ ßÛÜÛÛßÛÜ"
- tr " ÜÜÜ ³CNet4³CÜÛß ßÛÜ ßÛÜ ß Written by: Dotoran of Frontiers BBS!"
- tr "ÜÛÛßÛÛܳAmiga³ ÜÛÛÛÜ ßÛÜÛß ßÛÜ ß"
- tr "ÛÛ ÛÛ³ÜÛÛÛܳ ßÛÛÜ ßÛÜ ßÛÜ ÜÛ ßÛÜ Graphics: Pass to CC: "
- tr "Ü ÛÛÜ ÜÜ ÛÛÜ ßÛÜÛ ßßß ßÛ ÜÜÜ Allow ChatBacks: Use 12 Hr: "
- tr " Ü ßÛÜ Ü ßÛÛÛßßß ßÛÜÜÛß "ver" ChatBack Access's: "
- tr " ÜÜÜÜ LogName: Ask After Log View: "
- tr " "
- tr " File Send Path: Font: "
- tr " Cost Percentage: "
- tr " File Kill Type: TESTu11u0 "
- tr " "
- tr " Speech Options: "
- tr " TESTu12u0 (Using `Now testing CNet Amiga Pagers Speech') "
- tr " "
- tr " Sound Player: "
- tr " TESTu13u0 (Using `SysData:Chat.Snd' file) "
- tr " "
- tr " u1Su0AVE u1Qu0UIT u1Gu0oto `SysOps' Screen u1Tu0EST PAGER "
- tr "Ü Üz2ce"
- tr "4H"word("No Yes",gra+1)"3H"word("No Yes",cc+1)
- tr "4H"cb.cb"3H"word("No Yes",hr+1)
- tr "4H"ac
- tr "9H"logN"4H"qk.logK
- tr "19H"fpath"54H"font" ("size")"
- tr "19H"co.cost
- tr "19H"ki.kill
- tr "19H"chvo
- tr "19H"chsp
- call COM(19,com1)
- return
- tr "f1@4 ÚÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÜÜÜ ßÛÜÛÛßÛÜ"
- tr " ÜÜÜ ³CNet4³CÜÛß ßÛÜ ßÛÜ ß Written by: Dotoran of Frontiers BBS! "
- tr "ÜÛÛßÛÛܳAmiga³ ÜÛÛÛÜ ßÛÜÛß ßÛÜ ß"
- tr "ÛÛ ÛÛ³ÜÛÛÛܳ ßÛÛÜ ßÛÜ ßÛÜ ÜÛ ßÛÜ "
- tr "Ü ÛÛÜ ÜÜ ÛÛÜ ßÛÜÛ ßßß ßÛ ÜÜÜ Group 1: SysOp(s): "
- tr " Ü ßÛÜ Ü ßÛÛÛßßß ßÛÜÜÛß Group 2: SysOp(s): "
- tr " ßÛÜ ÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜ Group 3: SysOp(s): "
- tr " ÜÜÜÜ "ver" Group 4: SysOp(s): "
- tr " "
- tr " SysOp # 1: Sound to Play: "
- tr " Mail ID's: Port(s) Online: u1Ku0ILL SYSOP "
- tr " Speech: TEST SYSOP "
- tr " "
- tr " Sysop # 2: Sound to Play: "
- tr " Mail ID's: Port(s) Online: KILL u1Su0YSOP "
- tr " Speech: TEST SYSOP "
- tr " "
- tr " u1Fu0orwards Two SysOps u1Bu0ackward Two SysOps "
- tr " "
- tr " u1Pu0revious Screen u1Ru0eDraw Screen "
- tr "Ü Üz2ce"
- tr "2H"grp1"4H"sys1
- tr "2H"grp2"4H"sys2
- tr "2H"grp3"4H"sys3
- tr "2H"grp4"4H"sys4
- if sy1<10 then sy1a="u1"sy1"u0"
- else sy1a=left(sy1,1)"u1"right(sy1,1)"u0"
- tr "9Hc0"right(sy1,2)"75H"sy1a"ce"
- snd=left(snd.sy1,20);if left(chsp,2)="<U" then snd=left("DISABLED",20)
- say=left(say.sy1,50);if left(chvo,2)="<U" then say=left("DISABLED",50)
- tr "13H"left(sys.sy1,20)"52H"snd
- tr "13H"left(mid.sy1,20)"52H"left(pos.sy1,10);tr "13H"say
- if sy2<10 then sy2a="u1"sy2"u0"
- else sy2a=left(sy2,1)"u1"right(sy2,1)"u0"
- tr "9Hc0"right(sy2,2)"75H"sy2a"ce"
- snd=left(snd.sy2,20);if left(chsp,2)="<U" then snd=left("DISABLED",20)
- say=left(say.sy2,50);if left(chvo,2)="<U" then say=left("DISABLED",50)
- tr "13H"left(sys.sy2,20)"52H"snd
- tr "13H"left(mid.sy2,20)"52H"left(pos.sy2,10)
- tr "13H"say;call COM(19,com1)
- return
- CHECK:;if ARG() & ARG(1)~="###PANIC" then return ARG(1)
- getcarrier;if result="TRUE" then if ARG() then return ARG(1);else return
- logentry "Lost Carrier!!";bufferflush;exit
- SYNTAX:;ERROR:;IOERR:;e1="n1 Error: "rc" ("errortext(rc)")"
- e2=" Line: "left(sigl,4)"File:";c="`"fp", "ver"'";e2=e2" "c;tr e1;tr e2
- logentry e1;logentry e2;e=strip(translate(sourceline(sigl),"\{",""))
- do while e~="";e3="Source: "left(e,37);tr e3;logentry e3;e=substr(e,38);end
- bufferflush
- /**************************************************************************\
- \****************************************** Frontiers BBS (716)/823-9892 **/